When I cry out Father, Abba, I step intimately within the center of God’s heart. My place of refuge and rescue. My place of intimacy, where I know that I know my heavenly Father loves me and holds me within the midst of my cry. My place where acceptance is given continually, forever, without restrictions.

Within this sheltered place of His presence, the heart of my heavenly Father, Abba pools a presence of healing, forgiveness and compassion. Where He holds me tightly, where breathe no longer enters my lungs. Where within the palms of His hands, He collects my tears, one by one, as they fall. While my existence of self becomes engrained within each beat of His heart. Replacing the cause of my cry to Him, with His peace, His joy, acknowledging a remembrance within me, that I am His child. His child who is limitlessly loved, sheltered under His wings.

When His gaze falls upon me, I am reminded of His promises, of His Word. Of His commitment to me, His child, as His presence comforts and directs me. As I commune all that is within me, to the One who loves me the most, Abba- my heavenly Father.
For I know within the stronghold comfort of Gods’ bosom that I am chosen, made righteous by His grace. I know that no matter what befalls me, my heavenly Father is there, will always-forever and ever- be there. For I am grafted into His family, my inheritance, my gift from Him.
"And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts,
prompting us to call out, 'Abba, Father.
Galatians 4:6, NLT